16 e 17 novembre alla Leopolda arriva Wine in Progress, il 47° Congresso
Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana Sommelier: Due giorni di incontri, eventi e
degustazioni dedicati al vino. Ci saranno i più grandi Sommelier d'Italia, e quest'anno,
per la prima volta, le porte saranno aperte a tutti. Il biglietto giornaliero,
acquistabile in loco, ha il costo di € 20 per il pubblico e di € 10 per
soci A.I.S. e prevede l’accesso, senza limiti e per tutto il giorno, a tutti i
banchi d'assaggio.
organizzati incontri, eventi e degustazioni: l'ideale per avvicinarsi al mondo
del vino e passare una serata diversa, imparando divertendosi.
gli esperti di settore ma anche per i semplici appassionati sarà possibile
degustare vini esclusivi provenienti da ogni parte d'Italia e
scoprire l’importanza della figura professionale del Sommelier.
possibile inoltre partecipare (prenotandosi con un po’ di anticipo a questo
link) degustazioni guidate di grandi vini italiani e internazionali che si
svolgeranno nel corso di entrambe le giornate e assistere a conferenze tenute
dai migliori Sommelier e dai produttori.
On 16 and 17 November at the Leopolda will be Wine in Progress, the 47th National Congress of the Association of Italian Sommelier. Two days of meetings, events and tastings dedicated to wine. There will be the greatest Sommelier of Italy, and this year, for the first time, the doors will be open to all. A day ticket must be purchased on site, has the cost of € 20 for the public and € 10 for A.I.S. members and provides an unlimited and all-day access to all tasting tables.
There will be organized meetings, events and wine tastings: the ideal way to have an introduction to the world of wine and to spend a different evening, learning while having fun.
For experts of the sector but also for the wine lovers, it will be possible to taste exclusive wines from all over Italy and discover the importance of a professional Sommelier. It will be possible to participate (booking at this link) guided tastings of great Italian and international wines that will take place during both days and attend lectures by the best Sommeliers and producers.
On 16 and 17 November at the Leopolda will be Wine in Progress, the 47th National Congress of the Association of Italian Sommelier. Two days of meetings, events and tastings dedicated to wine. There will be the greatest Sommelier of Italy, and this year, for the first time, the doors will be open to all. A day ticket must be purchased on site, has the cost of € 20 for the public and € 10 for A.I.S. members and provides an unlimited and all-day access to all tasting tables.
There will be organized meetings, events and wine tastings: the ideal way to have an introduction to the world of wine and to spend a different evening, learning while having fun.
For experts of the sector but also for the wine lovers, it will be possible to taste exclusive wines from all over Italy and discover the importance of a professional Sommelier. It will be possible to participate (booking at this link) guided tastings of great Italian and international wines that will take place during both days and attend lectures by the best Sommeliers and producers.
Per l'occasione l’area espositiva della stazione Leopolda sarà suddivisa in diverse aree: una riservata ai produttori di vino, l’area relax&food, con degustazioni di prodotti tipici e di nicchia, una sezione interamente dedicata all'olio extravergine italiano e l’area riservata ai principali Consorzi vinicoli, dove per la prima volta sarà presente anche il Consorzio Chianti Rufina. Per le Cantine Bellini, in qualità di sommelier per la degustazione dei nostri vini, sarà presente Andrea Masi.
manifestazione comincerà sabato 16 novembre alle 10.00, con l'inaugurazione dell’Assemblea
Nazionale per poi aprire le porte al pubblico
alle 11.00 per una degustazione libera che andrà avanti fino alle 21.00. La domenica
l’orario sarà continuato dalle 10.00 di mattina fino alle 21.00.
gli eventi previsti per le due giornate, segnaliamo la domenica alle ore 18.00
lo spettacolo teatrale interpretato e diretto dagli stessi Sommelier A.I.S.: “In
vino varietas”, dove avrà una piccola parte anche Andrea Masi.
Verrà svolto un interessante Wine Contest: una degustazione bendata a partecipazione libera.
Due le categorie in gara: "Sommelier” (soci A.I.S.), che concorreranno per vincere
una bottiglia Magnum da tre litri di Coevo Cecchi e “Appassionati” (non soci A.I.S.), che avranno in palio un corso completo di tre livelli per Sommelier.
inoltre che presso gli A.I.S. Wine Shop, attraverso la piattaforma di
e-commerce Retalco, sarà possibile acquistare i vini
degustati durante il tour, per poi riceverli direttamente a casa: un’ottima
opportunità per aggiungere ai regali di Natale una buona bottiglia di vino.
Vi aspettiamo presso il Consorzio Chianti Rufina!
For the occasion, the exhibition area of the Leopolda Station will be divided into different areas: one dedicated to wine producers, the relax&food area, with tastings of typical products, a section dedicated to Italian extra virgin olive oil and the area reserved for the wine of the Consortiums, where for the first time will also feature the Consorzio Chianti Rufina. For the Cantine Bellini, as Sommelier for the tasting of our wines, is responsible Andrea Masi.
The event will begin Saturday, November 16 at 10.00, with the inauguration of the National Assembly and then the doors will open to the public at 11.00 and it will go on until 21.00. Sunday the event will be open from 10.00 until 21.00.
Among the events planned for the two days, we report on Sunday at 18.00 the show theater starring and directed by the same A.I.S. Sommeliers: "In vino varietas", where also Andrea Masi will have a small part.
Will be done an interesting Wine Contest: a free blind tasting. There are two categories in the competition: "Sommelier" (members A.I.S.), which will compete to win a three-liter Magnum bottle of Coevo Cecchi and "Wine Lovers" (non-members A.I.S.), for whom will be given a full course of three levels for Sommelier.
We also report that at the A.I.S. Wine Shop, through the platform of e-commerce Retalco, it will possible to buy the wines tasted during the event, that will be delivered at home: an excellent opportunity to add at your Christmas gifts a good bottle of wine.
We wait for you at the Consorzio Chianti Rufina!
Vi aspettiamo presso il Consorzio Chianti Rufina!
For the occasion, the exhibition area of the Leopolda Station will be divided into different areas: one dedicated to wine producers, the relax&food area, with tastings of typical products, a section dedicated to Italian extra virgin olive oil and the area reserved for the wine of the Consortiums, where for the first time will also feature the Consorzio Chianti Rufina. For the Cantine Bellini, as Sommelier for the tasting of our wines, is responsible Andrea Masi.
The event will begin Saturday, November 16 at 10.00, with the inauguration of the National Assembly and then the doors will open to the public at 11.00 and it will go on until 21.00. Sunday the event will be open from 10.00 until 21.00.
Among the events planned for the two days, we report on Sunday at 18.00 the show theater starring and directed by the same A.I.S. Sommeliers: "In vino varietas", where also Andrea Masi will have a small part.
Will be done an interesting Wine Contest: a free blind tasting. There are two categories in the competition: "Sommelier" (members A.I.S.), which will compete to win a three-liter Magnum bottle of Coevo Cecchi and "Wine Lovers" (non-members A.I.S.), for whom will be given a full course of three levels for Sommelier.
We also report that at the A.I.S. Wine Shop, through the platform of e-commerce Retalco, it will possible to buy the wines tasted during the event, that will be delivered at home: an excellent opportunity to add at your Christmas gifts a good bottle of wine.
We wait for you at the Consorzio Chianti Rufina!